• March 12, 2025

IMPACT ACADEMY Hosts Successful Transnational Project Meeting in Brussels

The partners of IMPACT ACADEMY, an Erasmus+ co-funded project in Higher Education, gathered for a face-to-face transnational project meeting on November 29, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting opened with remarks …

IMPACT ACADEMY Achieves Milestone in Work Package 2 with the “Impact Skills Framework”

The partners of IMPACT ACADEMY, a project in the field of Higher Education co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, are proud to announce the successful completion of Work …

Official launch of the Erasmus+ project “DIGIMUSE ENTER: digital tools for the inclusive accessibility to cultural heritage”

The DIGIMUSE ENTER project, co-financed by the European Commission under Erasmus+, has officially launched, marking a major step forward in the digital transformation of small museums across Europe. A two-day Kick-Off …

The UNITY EUROPE project reaches the successful conclusion of Work Package 2

The UNITY EUROPE project, co-financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation Partnership framework, is pleased to announce the publication of the final deliverables of the Work Package 2 (WP2). …

Unity Europe Project Partners Meet in Málaga to Discuss Key Milestones and Future Work

Málaga, Spain – 14 October 2024: The Unity Europe project, a groundbreaking initiative aimed at fostering European cooperation and social cohesion, held a face-to-face meeting with all its project partners on …

A new Bucolico multiplier event aimed at fostering entrepreneurship among Neets in rural areas in Spain

The event, which saw an active participation of international stakeholders, marked a significant milestone in empowering youngs and revitalizing rural economies in the Bucolico project lifecycle. The Bucolico Multiplier Event brought …

Museo digital virtual Bucólico con casos de estudio y buenas prácticas

El proyecto BU.CO.LI.CO BU (ilding) CO (mmunity resi) LI (ence through) CO (mmunication and technology) ha anunciado el lanzamiento de un nuevo museo virtual digital que ofrece una experiencia artística única …

22 international participants gathered in Málaga for the Bucolico Multiplier Event in May 2023

Malaga, Spain – May 9th, 2023 – A groundbreaking Multiplier Event brought together 22 enthusiastic participants in Malaga, Spain, to explore the potential of the Bucolico project and the Bucolico digital …

Last Bucolico TPM in Palermo

On 17 January 2023, in Palermo, we had the seventh partnership meeting of our Erasmus+ KA204 BUCOLICO project, the last one foreseen in the course of three years. The Transnational Partnership …

Internet Web Solutions es anfitrión del exitoso Evento Multiplicador de BUCOLICO

El 13 de diciembre, Internet Web Solutions celebró en Málaga el evento multiplicador BUCOLICO en España. El acto, que reunió a 28 jóvenes desempleados fue un momento clave para difundir todos …

Quinta Reunión Transnacional del proyecto Bucolico en Málaga

El 7 de octubre de 2022 el consorcio BUCOLICO se reunió en Málaga para llevar a cabo la quinta Reunión Transnacional presencial del Proyecto con los socios de Idrisi Cultura (Italia), …

La APP DEMO de BUCOLICO ya está disponible para los jóvenes emprendedores de Europa

El concepto esencial del juego BUCOLICO es una sala de escape virtual en la que los jugadores encuentran la mejor solución al espíritu empresarial, basándose en casos prácticos que serán un …

Taller de desarrolladores de LTTA del proyecto BUCOLICO en Málaga

Los días 5 y 6 de octubre de 2022 el socio tecnológico de Bucolico, Internet Web Solutions, acogió el Taller de Desarrolladores del proyecto LTTA en Málaga. LTTA son las siglas …

5ª Reunión transnacional del proyecto BUCOLICO en Atenas

El 9 de noviembre de 2022, el consorcio BUCOLICO se reunió de nuevo, esta vez en Atenas (Grecia), para celebrar la 5ª reunión presencial del proyecto transnacional con socios de Idrisi …
