Enhancing evaluation and valorisation practices of AE policies at regional and local level
CREATE2Evaluate is a follow-up of the previous CREATE project which intends to reinforce its aims and goals enhancing the performance and efficiency of Adult Education (AE) by intervening at systemic level at the nexus between overarching EU Policy (EU2020) and implementation on the ground, i.e., regions tasked with policy formulation and implementation of education programmes.
The aim of CREATE2Evaluate project is to identify reliable tools for the evaluation of adult education at various layers of governance. Identifying these tools will advance the formulation of effective adult education policies and programmes.
Now that the project is approaching its formal conclusion, partners are finally consolidating the last two main deliverables foreseen by implementation:
- Training Suite for the target groups of policy makers to guide them with step-by-step procedures on the use and implementation of the tools to evaluate policy interventions in the domain of AE. The Training Suite includes user-friendly and flexible training resources for policy makers, among which:
- Guidelines on the policy evaluation tools to fully describe the functionalities of the tools, their field of application, scale and scope. This is crucial to clarify the real validity of the CREATE 2 Evaluate tools, manage expectations from users of what the evaluation tools and deliver and under which circumstances, and also depending on the scenarios
- Scenario setting and profiling tools: in this instance, the training Suite will include guidelines on the type and extent of data/information/statistics and input requirements for the policy evaluation tools to provide meaningful insight. Users need to be aware of the operational implications and data requirements of the policy evaluation tools
- Users’ manual: this is a crucial element of the training suite, as it provides hands-on advice on how to implement the evaluation tools in diverse operational settings
- Introduction guide to the CREATE2Evaluate ToolBox
- A Green Paper to advance the debate and stimulate the discussion on policy formulation, implementation and evaluation of AE. The AE Policy Evaluation Green Paper will collect and collate all the findings and results stemming from the implementation
These two resources provide for an operational set of tools that allows for the upscale of the CREATE2Evaluate project results while igniting the policy dialogue and exchange on how to advance the discourse on the importance of adult education as a whole for socio-economic development and integration. Indeed, the project as a whole is devoted to the cohort of policy makers for their adoption of the tools in operational environments, providing capacity building elements.
To know more about the project, the organisations involved and all resources available, please feel free to consult the Open Education Resource Platform of Create2Evaluate: www.create2evaluate.eu