• March 14, 2025

SELF Project Achieves Milestone: English Training Modules Now Complete

The University of Aveiro, leading Workpackage 3 (WP3) in the Erasmus+ funded project “SELF – Solo Entrepreneurs Learning Framework,” proudly announces that all training modules in English for the project are …

IMPACT ACADEMY Hosts Successful Transnational Project Meeting in Brussels

The partners of IMPACT ACADEMY, an Erasmus+ co-funded project in Higher Education, gathered for a face-to-face transnational project meeting on November 29, 2024, in Brussels, Belgium. The meeting opened with remarks …

IMPACT ACADEMY Achieves Milestone in Work Package 2 with the “Impact Skills Framework”

The partners of IMPACT ACADEMY, a project in the field of Higher Education co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, are proud to announce the successful completion of Work …

Official launch of the Erasmus+ project “DIGIMUSE ENTER: digital tools for the inclusive accessibility to cultural heritage”

The DIGIMUSE ENTER project, co-financed by the European Commission under Erasmus+, has officially launched, marking a major step forward in the digital transformation of small museums across Europe. A two-day Kick-Off …

The UNITY EUROPE project reaches the successful conclusion of Work Package 2

The UNITY EUROPE project, co-financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ KA2 Cooperation Partnership framework, is pleased to announce the publication of the final deliverables of the Work Package 2 (WP2). …

XENIA Consortium takes part into the first European Pride after covid-lockdown

The Neapolitan Flash Mob Pride 2020 was dedicated to Sarah Hegazi, a lesbian and atheist Egyptian woman, who committed suicide in Canada where she had asked for asylum for her sexual …

European citizen's prize 2020

European Citizen’s Prize 2020

Since 2008 the European Parliament with the European Citizen Prize‘s each year awards people or organizations for relevant projects they have carried out that facilitated: – integration between citizens of the Member States or facilitating cross-border or transnational cooperation within the …

Roman routes

All Routes Lead to Rome Online Meeting

All Routes Lead to Rome Online Meeting Consortium took part in the second project meeting of the All Routes Lead to Rome project. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting, originally …


The European strategy for plastics and the no disposable Covid-19 face mask. The current challenge to the World

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced us to wear surgical face masks. They are compulsory in some EU countries and highly reccomended. Polystyrene, polycarbonate, polyethylene or polyester are some of the other …


Visibility and communication of EU-funded projects

Visibility and communication are two requirements for all EU-funded projects and the EU is becoming more and more strict in making sure projects abide by its rules. Press Release In your …

Unesco map

World Heritage site re-opening

After forced closing due to Covid-19 a number of World Heritage sites around the globe have now reopened and tours will be starting up again. Many of them are offering new …

Meeting sustain it

SUSTAIN IT: Fostering Sustainable Growth and Competitiveness in Tourism

SUSTAIN IT – Sustainable Tourism Innovative Training – is a project which involves a consortium made up of 8 Partners from 6 European Countries i.e. Belgium, Cyprus, Italy, Iceland, Ireland and …

IDEA meeting online

Inspiring Digital Entrepreneurship in HE – Consortium joined the IDEA Virtual Meeting

Internet Web Solutions took part in the second project management meeting of the IDEA project (Inspiring Digital Entrepreneurship and Awareness in HE). Due to the Covid pandemic, the meeting, originally planned …
